OC/Cosplay: Xylia Everwell

Cosplayer: The Whimsy Blerd aka Song M (She/Her)

About your cosplay or original character:

Xylia Everwell a small town midwife and healer was a kind and simple woman who loved helping people and was well-loved by her family, friends, and townspeople. Met a handsome vampire Julien Mist. She fell in love with him and he with her. Unfortunately, his maker was not pleased about this development. The maker kidnapped her, tortured her and turned her against her will to prove a point to their fledgling. Julien in a rage at his love being killed, he killed their maker. The first thing Xylia felt upon becoming undead was the pain of her maker’s death. Overcome with all of these intense feelings of pain and death on top of the trauma from her torture broke her.  Julien took her in showed her the ropes so to speak. She tried to hold on to her humanity for him since that was he fell in love with, but he became reclusive in his depression, feeling he had failed her. Seeing him less and less, heartbroken by the weight of Julien’s disappointment and wanting her own freedom to live her undead life. Upon finding her freedom she fully embraced her power and gave into bloodlust leaving many bodies in her wake the newspapers started discussing “The Grimstorm gripping the nations”  finding this hilarious she took the name for herself.  Though she’s mellowed out over the centuries she still loves to have a good time.

What does BIPOCVampDay mean to you?

Its bloody brilliant! I feel like I have been waiting for this day my whole life! My love of vampires started in High School when Queen of the Damned came out. I walked out of that film feeling so inspired by Aaliyah’s portrayal of Akasha (RIP Aaliyah) And while the film had its issues it set me on a binge of the Anne Rice novels needing to learn more about Lestat and about vampires as a whole. Its always saddened me to not have more Global Majority representation in this genre, when the genre its self is so fascinating!  I am so happy for BIPOC Vamp Day and super excited to be a part of it. My teenage self could not be happier!

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