OC/Cosplay: Rĕo

Cosplayer: Sebastian Yūe (They/Them)

About your cosplay or original character:

My vampire OC is Rĕo (they/she/he). They are a character I play in a D&D 5e homebrew game. She is a draconic sorcerer and their goal was previously to find a way to restore her form from before they were a vampire. However, he travelled with a group of friends who accepted him for who he is and he decided to remain as a vampire. Rĕo is now retired from adventuring and has opened a shop with their parents to serve the undead population.

What does BIPOCVampDay mean to you?

BIPOCVampDay is an opportunity to reimagine BIPOC vampires with new possibilities that may be informed by our own experience as BIPOC, or from our own culture and traditions. It’s a space to create content for us, by us. 

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